Breaking News, The Insurrection: Season 2 Episode 1


6 Days in to 2021…

Kicking off a new season in a big way with a heavy heart and a lot of emotion surrounding the recent events in our Nation.

This episode my be sensitive for some listeners as we talk about what Terrorism means and the events that unfolded on January 6th when the Capitol was under attack, during the Senate confirmation count of the electoral votes. We speak about the book "The Breaking News" by Sarah Lynn Reul and how to look for the helpers in the world. How to Break Through with love and finding ways to be a change agent of strength, sanity and positivity, especially in times when others cannot. And Cyla reminds us that we are the UNITED States and to move through hate with love. Enjoy.


Here we go. Wow new mics.
Yep, and new cameras. Not sure if this is gonna work, but we're going to try. Exactly.
Let's see if we can capture the dialogue between you and I.
Not just from an audio standpoint, but from the camera.
Hello, camera, Because some people prefer to watch shows like this.
And, um well, you're pretty charismatic.
And so we're basically here at the house, lounging in our booth on a Saturday, a dreary, gloomy Saturday. Very good.
And it's been a weird week. Really weird week.
Yeah, a scary, Confusing week. Yeah.

[2:05] On Wednesday, we got some kind of frightening news, right?
Well, first we got some really great news.
Yeah we saw that Raphael Warnock won over Kelly Loffler?
Yep, for the Georgia Senate.
And while we were waiting patiently anxiously,
for the other election seat to be called the other Senate seat to be called here in Georgia there Jon Ossoff's or David Perdue.
Uh, I was I was just doing my sing in crafting, and then I came down to get a quick snack on.
I heard the news that there were people breaking into the capital. The state Capitol in Washington, D. C.
The nation's capital. Your nation's capital, the capital building, Building on. I ran downstairs and told you.
Yeah. Told me the news. It was scary.

[3:17] Yeah, it was scary. I almost didn't believe you. Um, you I think you said they were storming the Capitol.
Um, I just couldn't even believe my ears.
Do you know what they were doing in the capital that was so important on that day?

[3:37] Ah, they were the actual Senate people.
Were the people breaking in the senator's they were.

[3:50] I can't remember. Um, e think you will. They were reconfirming the electoral votes.
They were reconfirming the president's actually one.
Which President Biden, The blue blue blue boy.
A man Biden. So, um, there was some blue crystals we love that are blue too.

[4:22] So we they were going through the process of recounting the votes of the Electoral College.
And there were some states in question that some senators across the aisle were challenging the validity of these votes.
And so, to be fair to both parties, the Senate took action as they have their normal process to.
Although this is not such a normal situation. Not at all.
They re counted the votes and verified with Vice President Mike Pence overseeing this process.
And it was a very important day because this was the final call for,
um, the current sitting president to kind of get his last good byes in No.
Well, uh, no, not quite, Actually, it's It was for him.
It was kind of his last chance for him and his supporters to, um claim victory in this particular election.
Despite it being tried in many courts across the country.

[5:48] Um that he had one, uh, Joe Biden had one, and so they were still challenging it. And this is the last, the last attempt that they could.
So there were some people that were very adamant trump supporters from different places all over the country.

[6:11] That came in to support the president's speech on this day.
And, um, now, several days later, and even on that same day, it was very clear that,
the actions of our president were encouraging this kind of behavior from these people who I will refer to as terrorists.
What's a terrorist?
It's a great question to make it really simple.
Terrorists are someone who intentionally inflict damage and pain and fear into the lives of other people.

[6:56] And threaten the freedoms or the foundation of our democracy.
Who, um, they mean to do harm, Got it?
And it's really terrible to think that there are people out there that would do such a thing, right? Really care.
What does that word sound like? Or feel like to you? Terrorist? It feels like.

[7:33] Um I feel it Sounds like to me, someone who's like a ripping, tearing soul apart. Feeling nothing. Person.
Yeah, mhm. But it also sort of reminds me of my dog breeds name terror.
Yeah. Terror terrier. Terri. Very different. I know.
Well, sometimes jokingly, we refer to our dogs is the terrors because there,
they're making damage in the house or they're being reckless or they're being cranky and tuning in our turn,
turning in our noses.
But in fact, a terrorist,
is is, um, is a bad person, and and terrorists can be groups of people that are organizing to do this intentional harm.
And, um, that's what these people were doing that day.

[8:47] How did it make you feel to see this news as it unfolded?
And let me just say I as a mom and, um.

[8:59] Appreciating how you are interested in politics.

[9:06] Mhm at such a young age of eight. I appreciate that you're interested in that because I want you to know from the core what these things mean.
And I didn't know and I didn't know until my thirties and I'm still learning every day.
I have, ah, vast interest all across the board into politics, but it can be very confusing.
And so especially that especially this past year, everything is confusing. You're right.
It really is a bunch of big, confusing moments, and they're confusing and hard to explain.
And through the eyes of a child, I can't imagine how confusing it is because through the eyes of a 40 year old woman, it's confusing Thio confusing to me, too.
So I appreciate that you are interested in politics, and I want to encourage that learning and that knowledge.
And I don't even have all the answers because, like I said, I'm learning to write.

[10:19] And I am heartbroken to know that you that I couldn't that I couldn't shield you from that information because I think most grownups agree.
We would prefer that our Children are not exposed.
Thio such hateful acts.

[10:41] Like those that were done that day like so many that we've seen over the last year over the last decade, over the last lifetime?
Nobody wants to put that on a child. Nobody wants a child to see that,
but that you have and that this media storm or that media and news in general, is, uh so rampant and comes at us from so many directions in this,
over hyper aware, consumable content space in life that we're living.
I would be remiss and ashamed of myself if I didn't walk with you through this and help try to understand it and explain it when these things come up,
it's like the confusing this and angry nous and.

[11:42] Scared nous is all bunched up together and made a giant monster ball destroying our our our state are are the United States right now.
It's like a giant ball of nervous and confusion.
And then there is that medium sized ball off love and togetherness and power trying to help destroy that ball of hatred,
so the world can go back to its not so normal times.

[12:24] In peace. You don't want a giant ball of hatred rolling over your head. No, you don't.

[12:35] You don't.

[12:38] I'm sorry that you see that.

[12:42] Because the world is better than that. We're better than that.
And you know, sigh. The thing that we can control is how we show up in this world.
We we as as just us are family.
We can give that ball of love and family and togetherness, more power, get bigger, get to make bigger.

[13:18] Roll that ball of hatred. Over.
Yeah, we can. And we will.
We will, because we are raising stronger, smarter, more emotionally connected generations of kids to come.
That's right.

[13:40] And I'm so proud to hear that from you from a child. I hope others are too.
And I appreciate and value. And I am grateful for you sharing your voice and your thoughts on that. Thank you.
I love you. I love you too. So speaking of that, today we read a book called The Breaking News by Sarah Lynn.
Role Illustrated and great.
Yeah, and she says a very important part.
And it's to look for the helpers and looking for the helpers What does that mean to you?
It means, like going back to my ball.
My ball theory looking for the helpers is looking for the people who will gather more love.
He will bunch it all together, make 89 10 of those lover walls and then over run the whole world with love. Er, balls love it. Yes.
Yeah. And we can do that from this hatred. Yeah, because we can do better than that.
We really can. This is this is not us.

[15:09] Yeah, This are kind.
Are the United States is not like this.
We can do way better if we could just.

[15:24] You can. You can either stand down and break down your guard and just let that hatred take over you or you can fight back.

[15:35] You can fight that hatred. You can protect that love.
You can build on this on the world. You can give it more love.
You don't have to just let hatred take over you.
If you let hatred, take over you, you'll come in. You'll be. You'll turn until a part of that ball as well.
You will be part of the problem. You can either choose.
You can either choose to become that hatred or that love. You are the one who decides who you are.
You are the one who fights back.

[16:21] Yeah, that's right.

[16:26] And I would say the same, not only just from hatred but negativity.
And so we can choose positivity and gratitude,
in love and being helper big and small and all kinds of ways that we,
can decide that every single day like I'm still a kid. I can help out.
I'm small. I can do big things.
Your big you can do even bigger things. You can do anything. Anything is possible.
That's right. You just have to believe on. I feel like many people in this world are letting their guard down because they're just trying and not really doing anything.
And they're not. They're not doing anything but there, believing that hatred is gonna take over them. That negativity.
And they're just like fake fighting fake fighting the negativity and then it pulls them away.
Let's letting them be consumed. They're letting it be You're consuming.
You're consuming negativity in one day.
Once you've consumed too much negativity on not a bite of love.

[17:48] You turn in to a bubble of negativity again and then the cycle repeats itself, but you gotta fight back.

[18:00] Thanks for sharing those really important and positive sentiments. I'm really proud to hear that from you.

[18:10] What could we or should we do differently?
I know that's a really big, vast question, but we have a few more days to go of this administration of this presidency, and I believe that there are some incredible winds, because,
not only do we have a new administrative team coming into the White House, we have a new president that you have a new vice president.
We dio we have the first female nice or.

[18:51] Vice or person of color personal color.
A za vice president. Yes, that's right. And in fact, Joe Biden has started to name, um, some of his Cabinet,
which means not like the ones in the kitchen, But it means our food cabinet,
on where the dishes of tips not there.
But what I mean by political Cabinet is the people on his team that serve in very high profile and very important decision making roles.
The team there, in like it's like his team. It's like his superhero team, right?
And Joe Biden superhero team.
Actually, you have your backup team.
Joe Biden superhero team, actually looks like the American people.
He has smart, experienced people of all races, religions and backgrounds and more of a reflection of the American people.
And I hope that that's just a small indication that the decisions that they could make collectively will better represent the American people.
So we're on the right track in our in my opinion and with the views that our house shares right which aren't aren't everyone's views, and I would just like to point out to you that.

[20:20] We don't believe that, you know, just because we are liberal or we are Democrat in the way we think that we don't see the sides or are open to experiencing all sides,
whether they're Republican or independent or moderate thinkers.
We embrace all of that because that's how we can better serve all people.
That's how we can better understand what's on the other side, what someone else is going through or what someone else you know with someone else's shoes. And I'm sure there was some initialthought from these.
This group of terrorists that believe what they have,
to say or what they're experiencing in life is in some in some way they have a fundamental belief that serves them.

[21:17] But in any I don't care what you think or what party you're at.
If you are to do harm to any human being because of their beliefs or their race or their religion or their politics, that is not right.
It is not right to marginalize people. It is not right to show hate to other humans.
We're to inflict harm in any way, and it's not tolerated.
It's not gonna be tolerated in our home in our circle and, you know, what's I That is what we can do differently is that we can not tolerate that kind of behavior,
and demand that there is change in leadership that does.
So we're on our way. And you know what? That's what we can do. Big things. We can go great places.
Yes. And we are. We were going thio, so don't we don't want to say that were never, never say never say never.
Well, if you believe it's gonna happen if you just back that belief down and say no, that's never gonna happen.

[22:42] You're never gonna get it, what you have to believe and then you have to do the work.
And we still have so much work to Dio is a country, but I believe that we're hopeful.
But But I am hopeful.
And I believe that if we continue tohave deep conversation,
with the generations that are behind us and that are coming through, that we can start,
to serve all people and be fair and and operate from a place of love and gratitude, we need to be the United States.
The United States is what we're called. We needed to be what we we're called.
We're called the United States, not the separated States. This is true.
This is true and so.

[23:36] Thio to take a moment to walk away from something so terrible on the television that has us worried and filled with anxiety.
And I know you and I both and our families, um, you know, spent a lot of time kind of consuming the information that was coming from that day.
We can also choose what we consume.

[23:59] We can choose to not be obsessed about it, right?
We can choose to walk away from it well, we can choose to turn off the television like that's what most people dio They turn off the Delery in well, and just because you turn, you choose to notconsume the media, and the content,
doesn't mean you're ignoring it right.
And it's very important knowledge ing it, and you're just you just need a break to acknowledge it.
Well, you want to stand formed, and I believe that we want to stand formed.
It is very easy to get caught up in watching the cycle of of content, whether it's on your phone or the radio or TV or what have you.
It's when that consumes you and takes over.
And like you saw in the book when the adults are the grown ups in our in your in your world and your young world are just focusing on that, that it could be a problem, right?
And the world in turn, Gray.
Yeah, I can. But it won't if we can if we can think about the impact that's happening with our with the youth and around us.
So making those choices is something I'm going to work harder doing because I can see how it effects everything around us, and and I'll appreciate some reminders.
Okay, I'll give you smiling.

[25:27] We will fight back way will we will be the United States as we're called not to separate.
I love you. I love you too.
So on that note, this is, uh, was not meant to be the first episode of the new season.
In fact, we have already recorded several episodes that were at the top of the year talking about great things to come and New Year's resolutions and what we're going to attract in the new Year,
and the mentality that we wish to call in and all the accomplishments and the things that we hope to look forward to and change.
And that will happen in a in the next episode, as well as some other great conversations that we've had during the break.
But I felt like this was important right now, because especially sense, this is what's happening, and this is what we need to change.
Absolutely. We can come with this, and it be all it will be all serious, and then we have a fun.

[26:37] Joining episode that ignores all of that chaos and brings peace and happiness.
Maybe some smiles, right?
Eso laughs. Yes, we need to laugh a lot more we do Big belly laughs and appreciate that I'm grateful for those.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Not that one. Eso stay tuned for more great episodes of laughter and light and love and gratitude and some of the heavier topics as well.
In fact, later on this month, you have some awesome opportunities to interview some authors from the kids book about from our friends at a kids book about,
and at the end of the month, I believe you're going You're going to be, um, systemic racism.
Yeah, we're gonna be talking about systemic racism, which is a very big topic and something important for us all to understand.

[27:33] A swell as white privilege, We have some new way. Have some new books about change on death.
Kovar 19 Creativity, right, MSM feminism.
And we have some really big topics. We're talking about this season on the podcast. So thank you for joining us for a more serious yet and very important conversation.
We want to hear from our friends.
Yeah, yeah, and how you're talking Thio the grown ups in your life or kids and yours because it's through these conversations that we can invoke change.

[28:17] And inspire others to maybe strike conversation with the people. They love to do it. We can do this together.
So until next time, friends have an awesome day.
Have an awesome day and stay positive. Stay positive. Stay, breathe and stay united.


MLK & Racism (pt.1): S2 Ep2


Episode 12: Crazy 8s