Positive Energy Flow
How Does Our Energy Effect Others?
Coming back from vacation.. and feeling like you still need a vacation, is a weird feeling. How is that even possible?
Today, we take our vacay brains for a walk and talk about how our energy effects our personal atmosphere and family nucleus. Plus some ideas to keep the positivity flowing, even long after your bags are unpacked.
[1:02] Where to get started. Are you feeling revitalised?
[1:07] Yeah, energetic, yeah, rested, relaxed.
[1:13] No, I don't I don't feel rested but as you feel relaxed.
Well it's funny how that happens, right? So we just got back from our first family vacation to Mexico.
Right? Mom and dad and the whole family were lucky enough to get fully vaccinated.
[1:33] And we have actually been planning this trip for a while with the family because we had this on the books before Covid broke out our first trip with your aunt and uncle. Yeah.
And you're bobby and my baby cousin, yep. Well at the time we didn't know I had a baby cousin. Yeah, yeah you did. But we didn't know if we were going to be traveling with or without him, but we're so glad he came along.
And so we had to postpone this vacation for quite some time and just got back from nine days, nine days in Mexico.
[2:09] And we were thinking about energy today and how we feel coming back.
There's a little bit of a ground rush his dad would say when we get back,
because now you think about all the homework that were and we need to get caught up on all the laundry or the work or whatever, even though we were able to work on the road by taking our mobile,
voiceover rig with us,
and we were able to work, there's still a lot of catching up to do, right?
So energetically. How do you feel having spent nine days in Mexico relaxing by the beach and the pool and all that?
Well, first of all I feel a little tired because I didn't go to bed until 11 o'clock and I woke up at six o'clock each day, right, because you're like internal clock is way off, way off,
so I feel tired, but I feel a little bit better now that I've got 13 hours of sleep last night, so that's good.
Um I feel super.
[3:08] Like, I don't know if I should say united or peaceful with having been in another place for a little while to switch it up a little bit.
Yeah, those are fair, sure it is.
[3:24] I mean it also feels really good to come home and remember how good we have it, right. And sometimes like being gone helps you appreciate that.
I have the best mac and cheese in the world here, right? And I have the softest bed.
I feel you so energetically. We are refreshed and positive about our living spaces and grateful, so grateful.
But with energy that changes in a lot of ways. And I think that's what we wanted to talk about today on any given day.
Our energy and our family nucleus can change the ending on how one person feels.
If somebody grabs hold of that crabby stick, everybody takes the crabby stick. That's right.
So what's interesting about that is sometimes when you even take a vacation, you kind of need a vacation from the vacation definitely.
I mean it's a little overwhelming packing and traveling, especially these days, um, internationally, and kind of jumping through the hoops that we now is the new normal, right?
Like a recommendation for how long you need to spend at a certain place as uh, somewhere between.
[4:44] Four and six days because nine is too much and too is too little.
That's right. It definitely takes a little bit of time to get your bearings and then find your new pace or your new rhythm after you've been go, go, go, go, go.
So you got to conserve your energy and then coming back. It's okay to, I think feel like you still need to take it easy getting back into school or work, so don't come back home on a monday.
We did plan it out I think really well and I didn't realize it at the time.
But coming home on a friday night from a vacation was helpful for our schedule because,
then we could kind of relax into all the things that it takes as a family to get back into the swing of things and get ready for school and work again and just from packing and all of that.
So I think that helped our energy level as well. But I think it's okay to just acknowledge that you kind of need a break even from a break.
Exactly, you kind of have to nurture your own space and feel good about um about enjoying taking that time away and maybe making,
a bigger break or grace period for yourself than you even think you need like a flower, you have two flowers, you're spending time on the flower that keeps growing.
[6:10] But then your other flower is like sort of like dead.
So you've got to nurture that one, but now the other one is sort of weeping now and you've got to like balance your attention to each flower and balance your energy water equally.
Work life balance relaxation, family time and hustle right? So now that we're back in it, what are some ways that we can keep our energy going?
But remember some of the take aways from our vacation.
[6:45] Okay, I didn't really get that question, Could you re explain that now that we're back in the swing of things with school and work and our jobs and our projects and whatnot?
What are some things that we can remember from our vacation to keep an equal and balanced energy so we can feel like our best and do our best.
I guess you could like remember how good you have it in your one space, but that it is often a good thing to take a small break.
Yeah, and that may be making time for nature a little bit every day to kind of reset, take some fresh air, some deep breaths, plant your feet in the ground and breathe here.
Yeah, or maybe like you've been doing lately, a really great job of reminding us both to time to take a bounce break or to take a dance break in our day to fix our energy especially if.
[7:45] Or not fix our energy because it's not a bad thing to have low energy.
I think that's our body's way of saying, hey, I need to chill or this is overwhelming and I'm trying to like relax but maybe change the directional pull towards a more positive space.
So like when we're frustrated doing homework, like we were earlier today, like I have one chance in the day to say dance break, bounce, break and then we got to stop what we're doing,
Head outside of the trampoline and bounce for 10 minutes or turn on a rock and song and just.
[8:19] Yeah, change the mood,
unless moms in the middle of recording something right and I'm like hold up,
but I think it's important to try to honor that in each other, especially because we are both working from home where you're doing your schoolwork, I'm doing our studio work and sometimes you're doing the studio work too.
So to balance our own energy and keep um a positive outlook in the day, but also making space for ourselves. You know, I know you noticed the last couple of months, I've been doing uh kundalini yoga program.
It's a meditation program that's involved some breath work and it helps me in our voice over work, but it also helps me as mom get centered and be chill and be ready to be present for you and dad for the rest of the day.
And that's not an easy task at 5 45 in the morning.
But I find that when I make time for me, just like I think when you make time for you some quiet time or downtime, it can really help our energy and how we present ourselves to the rest of the family.
[9:25] I could, like I was saying if you grab the crabby stick and you touch someone else.
[9:34] You they get the crabby stick and it keeps breaking until every person has the crabby stick.
[9:43] And if everybody has the crime me stick A Rough one, Rough Day.
[9:49] Just you don't want to know, but if everyone has a positive energy light or has the sparkle stick or has, I don't know if that's the thing, but maybe we can make it a thing.
Do you have a sparkle stick for the crabby stick? I don't know, I think.
[10:09] Ruby might have a rocky has the crabby stick,
at the time definitely, but if we have a big smile on her face, our patient and kind with each other that energy transfers to the rest of the family or the rest of the pack or the rest of the team.
Um just the same way. So we have the opportunity to lift each other up as well as bringing each other down.
I yeah, I agree with that and I definitely think dad just a really good job of keeping us all positive.
He does do a good job, He like fights the crabby stick and like is like doing tag and nobody's tagging him and even when they do, he like fights it and he still keeps his positive.
You know, one of the things that dad does, it's really remarkable in addition to that, and I think that helps him on his phone, he as an alarm that goes off every,
hour or two hours, I think it's just twice a day,
twice a day and it's called a gratitude chicken and he checks in with himself and he's, but he's grateful for and that's a really fantastic way, in a powerful way to remind yourself that what you have is really good.
Yeah, so when you're getting bogged down with kind of the negative or like really frustrated on something silly that just seems so much larger than it is.
[11:34] Gratitude check in can change your energy into a positive vibe instead of a crabby stick one.
Yeah, whenever I'm in the car with dad in the middle of like an errand or something.
[11:47] His alarm goes off and I'm like, I'm grateful for this, this and this and that's something we do.
We try to do almost every night anyway.
But even just a little reminder to yourself to breathe.
Like I sometimes on my watch, the calm app sends me a reminder to just breathe for a minute and by never fails to come at just the right time and I'm like, oh yeah, it's really not that bad.
I mean we haven't really good and we're super grateful for so much, even when things on our vacation weren't going that well.
It's easy to be like super frustrated by an inconvenience, right one in the big picture.
Like how incredibly grateful were we to be healthy through the pandemic, to still have our jobs to have our homes to have each other and there's so much to be grateful for.
That's a really powerful, positive way to keep that energy moving in the right direction.
So let's keep it up because coming off a vacation Can feel a little draining, can feel a little tiring, but just power through it.
I know how good you got it and try to take a 13-hour nap, definitely whenever possible.
[13:09] I, and that is something I never do. I went to sleep at nine And I got up at 10.
Yes. So that is your one chance and you better be grateful for it.
Absolutely, because that's never happening again. Trust me and we're all in a better mood because of it.
[13:29] Yeah, I'm still tired though. Well, thanks for joining us this week. Friends. We've got a couple more weeks to go before our officials summer break.
So if we've touched on something you love or haven't quite yet covered something you're interested in,
feel free to drop us a message at hello at she sounds like me dot com,
or catch us catch up or catch up with us on socials at she sounds like me and uh, on all podcast platforms, We'd love your feedback, we'd love to hear your gratitude,
and how you're keeping your energy positive these days. Yeah.
[14:10] Thanks for listening and have an awesome day. Have an awesome day.